Friday, November 28, 2008

Could you help by participating in a short quiz?

Hi Folks,
I am looking to do a short survey online. Could you take a minute to answer seven quick questions on digestive health:
Thanks for your parctipation!!!

Upcoming Health Talks

IBS Boot Camp
Learn how to give IBS the boot through diet and natural remedies.
Host: Heather Caruso, local Homeopathic Doctor and author of "Your Drug Free Guide to Digestive Health".Saturday January 10th from 9:30 till 11am
Admission $20.00 Location: Guelph
Please call to register as space is limited!
519 827 9237

Crohn's and Colitis Boot Camp
Learn how to give Crohn's and Colitis the boot through diet and natural remedies.
Host: Heather Caruso, local Homeopathic Doctor and author of "Your Drug Free Guide to Digestive Health".
Saturday February 14th from 9:30 till 11am
Admission $20.00 Location: Guelph
Please call to register as space is limited!
519 827 9237

What is Alternative Medicine and How Can It Help Me?
Learn what the different types of alternative medicine are and how they can help you and your family stay healthy.
How to use homeopathic remedies at home for acute conditions and first aid.
Learn about the latest longevity research and how to live a healthy life.
Host: Heather Caruso, local Homeopathic Doctor and author of "Your Drug Free Guide to Digestive Health".
Saturday February 28th from 9:30 till 11am
Admission $20.00 Location: Guelph
Please call to register as space is limited!
519 827 9237

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Homeopathy for the Flu

With the snow already flying, many people are concerned about the flu season. In conventional medicine flu shots are now being recommended to everyone. However, in the past they were reserved for those who were elderly or sickly. I am not a fan of mass flu vaccinations and here is why:
  1. It only protects for whatever strain they are using in the vaccine. It is not 100% guaranteed that you will be immune when you do get the shot. There are no guarantees, like anything in life.
  2. The flu is typically not life threatening for those with a normal immune system.
  3. It contains thimerisol, which is a preservative and includes the heavy metal called mercury. Like most of people, I am not a fan of heavy metals, especially by injection. There are many vaccines that do not contain thimerisol in Canada.
  4. The flu shot is injected, with all of it's preservatives, directly into your bloodstream.
  5. Many of my clients have reported adverse reactions to the shot, such as headaches, flu symptoms, cold, fatigue, local swelling and in some severe cases nervous tics.
  6. Please see an interesting video blog on the flu shot from Dr. Mercola:

Not everyone getting the flu shot gets sick. However, I believe if your immune system is strong enough, you will likely bypass the flu.

There is a few good alternatives help prevent the flu from taking you down:

  1. Influenzinum 9CH, take one vial per week. This is a homeopathic preparation made from common flu strains. These strains are so diluted they carry only a vibration or essence of the original substance thus it is completely free of side effects.
  2. Thymuline 9CH, take one vial per week. This is another homeopathic preparation made from thymus extract. It helps to stimulate the immune system. It is also very gentle and diluted and free of side effects.
  3. Ocillococcinum is a great remedy for when the flu has already struck. It helps with symptoms such as chills, aches, pains and fever. Typical dosage is one pill three times a day until the symptoms abate.

Seek the help of a professional homeopath if you have symptoms that you are not sure of.

These remedies are available in the clinic and in most stores that carry homeopathic remedies. Please call the clinic to order yours today.

Heather Caruso

Monday, November 10, 2008

Upcoming Seminar on WHEE

Hi All,
I thought this seminar looked very interested by local Guelphite, Daniel Benor, author of "7 Minutes to Natural Pain Release".....
Have a look,
Heather Caruso

WHEE Level I Certificate Workshop
WHEE: Whole Health – Easily and Effectively®
AKA - Wholistic Hybrid derived from Eye Movement Desensitization and
Reprocessing (EMDR) and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

For Healthcare Practitioners January 17-18 9:00 – 5:00

Daniel Benor, Wholistic Psychotherapist (Can), MD, Psychiatrist, ABIHM (US)

DISCOVER - Ways in which stress and distress are processed in mind,
emotions and body, and wholistic ways to deal with these.

EXPLORE - Ways to identify and release physical and psychological pains,
anxieties, cravings that are debilitating – rapidly and thoroughly

LEARN - Ways to teach others to treat their own problems

Grateful clients report WHEE helped them rapidly and significantly, sometimes even dramatically with emotional and physical pains (tension headaches, migraines, backaches, irritable bowel syndrome, pains from surgery and injury, arthritis, fibromyalgia); stress; anxieties; side effects of medications; unresolved grief and other residues from the past; self-limiting beliefs; and more. Practitioners report outstanding successes with clients, who learn WHEE easily and use it to great effect. See full details at the URL, below, under WHEE, Workshops, and Appreciations sections.

Daniel Benor is an expert on wholistic self-healing. He helps people clarify and address their problems with a blend of elements from intuitive and spiritual awareness, spiritual healing (Reiki and Therapeutic Touch), WHEE, transactional analysis, gestalt therapy, hypnotherapy, meditation, imagery and relaxation (psychoneuroimmunology), dream analysis, and other aspects of Wholistic healing. Dr. Benor has taught this spectrum of methods internationally for 25 years to people involved in wholistic, intuitive, and spiritual approaches to caring, health and personal development. He is a Professor at Energy Medicine University, Mill Valley, CA.

Dr. Benor founded The Doctor-Healer Network in England and North America and the Council for Healing in the US ( He is the author of Healing Research, Volumes I-III and many articles on wholistic, spiritual healing. He is the editor and publisher of the peer reviewed International Journal of Healing and Caring - On Line ( and moderator of a major informational website on spiritual awareness, healing and CAM research ( He appears internationally on radio and TV.

Cost: $595 – with certificate from The Institute of Natural Health Technologies.
Early Bird discount for January workshop Paid by January 2. $550 +GST
Participants will also receive a 25% discount off their fee for every new student (new to INHT) they refer who registers on their recommendation.
Cancellations policy: Full refund till Dec. 15; $50 processing fee till Jan 11;
no refunds thereafter

Venue: Institute for Natural Health Technologies, 410 North Service Road East, 2nd Floor, Oakville, ON L6H 5R2 Phone: 905-465-3830 (877)-393-7700

For further details contact Dr. Benor 519 265 0698

More about WHEE at
Award winning book on WHEE for pain at