Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Flu Schmoo Shots.....

Did you know the FLU Shot contains mercury (thimersol) and formaldehyde? It is also only good for the strain in the vaccine that you are taking. Would you have a drink of these contaminants if given the option?
It is a little late in the season for this rant, but I was inspired by MAXINE!!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Serious Concerns Regarding Bill 51

I was sent this email and it did raise some concerns for me. There could be some fear mongering in this email, but it does raise a few valid points. Such as will our freedom to choose natural remedies be taken away by the government. If your neighbour grows lavender in her garden will she be charged for letting you use some? Will our remedies be so costly to produce that many of us cannot afford them? Look at the cost difference between our remedies and the American prices. Their prices are so much less than ours. Many American companies refuse to do business with Canada because of all the red tape. Is it the government red tape and fees that have been added on to our products? If you research this and find it to be a concern (like I did) contact your MP and ask them to speak out against this bill.
Here is the gist of this email:
Consider How Bill C-51 Would Affect You
Many natural health products that have been sold in Canada for decades would become unavailable, and remaining products would cost much more (Sections 13 & 18.7);

* The government could designate any natural health product a prescription drug, making it available by prescription only (Section 15.1(4));

* You could be fined thousands of dollars or go to jail for giving your child or friend a natural health product (Sections 31 & 3(3) expanded definition of sell);

* Researchers would lose academic freedom: they could not study the beneficial effects of natural health products without first getting the government's permission (Sections 3(6) & 18.2);

* International laws that restrict access to natural health products could>be made law in Canada without the approval of elected officials or any>debate in the House of Commons (Sections 3(6) & 30(7));>

* To enforce this new law, inspectors could enter private property and (Section 23): * take anything at their discretion; * never pay the owner for it; * charge the owner of the property a fee for shipping it to a secure storage unit; * charge the owner of the property fees for keeping it in storage; * keep it in storage as long as they want; and/or * dispose of it at will.

Health Canada Needs Checks and Balances. Acting under current laws, Health Canada has already endangered Canadians lives by seizing their natural health products. In 2003, Health Canada seized personal shipments of EMPowerplus, a vitamin-mineral supplement that>hundreds of Canadians with bipolar disorder and other serious mood >disorders>depended on for mental wellness, and ordered Truehope Nutritional Support>Ltd. to stop selling the supplement in Canada. Fearing for the safety of>Canadians who were using EMPowerplus, Truehope disobeyed Health Canada?s>orders and was charged with selling an illegal drug.>>Fortunately, in this case, Health Canada was unsuccessful in removing>EMPowerplus from the market. In 2006, Truehope was found not guilty. The>court ruled that Truehope was overwhelmingly compelled to disobey?in order>to protect the health, safety and well-being of the users of the>supplement?, and Health Canada dropped its appeal of this case in October>2006.

(Learn more><> ).>>However, Bill C-51 would make it easier for Health Canada to seize natural>health products like EMPowerplus in the future and remove them from the>market, violating your Constitutional rights to ?life, liberty, and >security>of person.?>>
You can also read an article, well written in Vitality Magazine about it:

What You Can Do To Protect Your Rights
Read a Discussion Paper on Bill C-51: by the President of the Natural Health Product Protection Agency (NHPPA).
Contact your local MP this is a Federal Issue...... ode.aspx?Menu=HOC">>ode.aspx

Friday, April 18, 2008

Indoor Air Pollutants

Now that the weather is nice, we can open our windows and let fresh air in! My husband and I usually have an arguement regarding me opening the windows slightly in the winter time. The fresh air coming through the house feels so good!
Indoor air pollutants are a major problem for those with breathing problems and allergies. Not to mention what they may do to us without our knowledge! I found a great article online called
"Clearing the Air, How to Avoid Indoor Air Pollutants" check it out:

Saturday, April 12, 2008

What We Put on Our Skin is Absorbed Into Our Bloodstream

Well we have all heard the debates about what types of skin care to use. Many of our mainstream products contain harmful additives, that over time can cause illness. For example, nail polish contains harmful chemicals that are known to be carcinogens. Think about this, would you allow someone to inject phthalates into your blood stream? Then we wonder why would we use it on our body?
For an informative article on cosmetics go to:
What to do about these nasty chemicals seeping into our skin? Use natural products or those with labelled organic. There are many places to get them now, such as downtown Guelph at Saffron Rouge, in our local grocery and health food stores. Some better pharmacies are now carrying natural lines too.

Brought to you by Heather Caruso

Friday, April 4, 2008

Sacred Path, Sacred Body Workshop Announcement!

with Lauren Artress and Mary Hamilton

, D.Min., an Episcopal priest and Honorary Canon at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco is known for her exemplary work with the labyrinth. Her book, Walking a Sacred Path and her workshops are known worldwide as she has dedicated her life work to activating and facilitating the transformation of the human spirit through the Labyrinth Experience. Lauren is an MFT psychotherapist and is in training in the Marion Woodman BodySoul Rhythms® Leadership Training.

Mary, M.Ed., a pioneer in dance and theatre education is a graduate of the National Ballet School of Canada. She is a member of the Canadian Group Psychotherapy Association and a former professor of dance technique and improvisation at Western University. Since 1980 she has co-created and taught internationally the BodySoul Rhythms® Intensive program with Marion Woodman and Ann Skinner. Mary has dedicated her life work to bringing the unique, authentic and personal body/soul to consciousness by combining dream imagery, creative movement and depth psychology.

Date: Friday evening, April 18th, 2008 7:00-9:00
Saturday April 19th, 2008 9:00-4:30
Sunday April 20th, 2008 9:00-4:30

Place: First-St. Andrew’s United Church,
350 Queens Avenue, London, Ontario

Registration Fee: $195.00 Enrollment Numbers Limited

This experiential workshop for men and women will include teaching, movement and voice work as we walk the sacred path of the labyrinth and experience the unfolding of wisdom through our own body consciousness.

For reservations and information: 519-824-6344

Thursday, April 3, 2008

A Note about FREE Events from Woolwich Healthy Communities

Help us spread the word about A Taste of Woolwich and the Green Technology Fair by forwarding this blog to anyone you feel might be interested. All of the events are free. There is more detailed information on our website at
There are over 27 farmers participating in A Taste of Woolwich and lots of interesting food samples! This is our first year hosting the GreenTechnology Fair. We're thrilled to have over 33 businesses and not forprofit groups participating!
A Taste of Woolwich Buying Local Food = A Healthy Community
Monday, April 14, 5:00- 8:00 pm
Come learn where you can buy local produce this summer. Meet local farmers and join us for an evening of fun family activities, chef demonstrations and food samples from local restaurants. Woolwich Community Centre, 29 Parkside Dr, St Jacobs. No charge.
Alternative Energy Tour
Saturday, April 19, 1:00-4:00 pm.
Free shuttle buses leave from the Woolwich Township /St. Jacobs Arena,29 Parkside Dr., St. Jacobs approximately every half hour.Solar Energy. Tour a solar powered home at 112 Grandview Drive,Conestogo. Geothermal Energy. Tour a vertical geothermal, 1930's home at 46 CentreSt., Elmira. Strawbale Home. Visit a strawbale home at 10 Chalmers, Winterborne. Wind Energy. See a wind turbine at work at 18 Covered Bridge Dr., WestMontrose.
Green Technology Fair Saturday, April 19, 11:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Talk directly with solar, geothermal, wind and other green energy providers/consultants, buy green products, see the latest in green car technology, learn about car sharing, home and business energy audits,water conservation, pesticide alternatives, and much more! WoolwichTownship/St. Jacobs Arena, 29 Parkside Dr., St. Jacobs.

Raw Foods, An Energy Jolt!

In my profession, I see a lot of different types of eaters, from meat and potatoes to vegetarian. Over the past year, I have seen more and more raw food advocates. I think it is a great diet as long as the person is educated in how to get a proper balance of amino acids and nutrition. We have a nifty little restaurant in downtown Guelph called "WOW, the Whole Food Way" on Carden Street with a Bohemian atmosphere and great food. I actually had a pizza made of a nut type of "cheese" and the crust was made from a buckwheat cracker. For dessert, my friend and I shared a slice of cheesecake, again made with nuts or veggies AND it was out of this world. When you have good company and a nice meal it is a luxury. When these luxuries are good for you, you must run with it my friends....

When searching online, I found an interesting site dedicated to raw foods. It contains recipes and many other interesting facts. Even if one wanted to experiment with raw food eating for a weekend, I am sure it would be super healthy!
Brought to you by Heather Caruso of Caruso Homeopathic Clinic

Melting snow and Mould allergies!

I am delighted that the snow is melting! I look at the soup of mud, grass and leaves in my backyard and wonder how many of my fellow mould sufferers get stuffed up when they do spring clean up. (Not to to mention the mud from my golden retriever's paws and her long feathers on her legs when she comes in from a romp in the yard! ).
Pets aside, the wet soil and leaves are a nice environment for mould spores to hang out. One could always ask their spouse to do the clean up, but there is something gratifying in tackling these tasks ourselves. However, we definately do not want allergic symptoms getting the best of us when we are supposed to be enjoying the mild spring weather!
Symptoms of mould allergies: uncomfortible in basements, damp areas, working in mud or with leaves causes symptoms, wine and cheese tends to cause mucous production. Those who have mould allergies can have symptoms that range from sinusitus, headaches, asthma, runny nose and eyes and hives. Other symptoms may occur, it depends on the person.

Here is what I am recommending to try this year.... Do the 21 day detox laid out in my upcoming newsletter. It should help ease the burden and decrease the toxic load the body carries and reduce mucous production, headaches and promotes proper elimination. It helps if you have less mucous to deal with when the allergies begin.

Homeopathic remedies such as Natrum Sulf 6X are good for asthma from damp and mouldy spaces. Histaminum 9CH is said to regulate the bodies production of histamine. Constitutional remedies are useful for allergies because they are suited to the individual's symptoms. They help to reduce allergic symptoms because they stimulate the body's natural healing mechanism. In the past I found that supplements such as freeze dried nettle capsules and flaxseed oil daily reduces allergic symptoms. Over the years in experimenting with my own health, I noticed the years that I had a very "clean diet" my allergic symptoms were non existant. If I ate foods that are on the "no list" for the detox diet I would tend to have allergic like symptoms. Typically I don't suffer if I behave myself, like most of us!
Keep your eyes out for the April Newsletter! If you would like to sign up for it, email me with your email address and I will add you to the list.
Brought to you by Heather Caruso of Caruso Homeopathic Clinic