with Lauren Artress and Mary Hamilton
with Lauren Artress and Mary Hamilton
Lauren, D.Min., an Episcopal priest and Honorary Canon at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco is known for her exemplary work with the labyrinth. Her book, Walking a Sacred Path and her workshops are known worldwide as she has dedicated her life work to activating and facilitating the transformation of the human spirit through the Labyrinth Experience. Lauren is an MFT psychotherapist and is in training in the Marion Woodman BodySoul Rhythms® Leadership Training.
Mary, M.Ed., a pioneer in dance and theatre education is a graduate of the National Ballet School of Canada. She is a member of the Canadian Group Psychotherapy Association and a former professor of dance technique and improvisation at Western University. Since 1980 she has co-created and taught internationally the BodySoul Rhythms® Intensive program with Marion Woodman and Ann Skinner. Mary has dedicated her life work to bringing the unique, authentic and personal body/soul to consciousness by combining dream imagery, creative movement and depth psychology.
Date: Friday evening, April 18th, 2008 7:00-9:00
Saturday April 19th, 2008 9:00-4:30
Sunday April 20th, 2008 9:00-4:30
Place: First-St. Andrew’s United Church,
350 Queens Avenue, London, Ontario
Registration Fee: $195.00 Enrollment Numbers Limited
This experiential workshop for men and women will include teaching, movement and voice work as we walk the sacred path of the labyrinth and experience the unfolding of wisdom through our own body consciousness.
For reservations and information: 519-824-6344 Barbara.Susan.Booth@sympatico.ca
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