Thursday, December 11, 2008

A note from Lori Wilson on "An Evening With Grandmother"

Hi Everyone!

I do hope you will be able to join us next week for the Evening with Grandmother, Friday December the 12th. This will be the last one for the year 2008, our 31st wonderful monthly tradition. I want to thank each and every one of you for making this time with Grandmother so very special.

We will enjoy our regular Evening with Grandmother and afterwards you are welcome to join in for Holiday celebrations for a social gathering. Please feel free to bring a pot luck snack to share with everyone. On regular evenings, I am usually am busy enjoying answering personal questions for guests. Last holdiay season we started a new tradition which is that I don't answer personal questions after this event, but rather join in the social and celebrat ion time with you.

Grandmother has specifically requested that we participate in a native gifting celebration called a "Give Away". How we have done this in the past is that I will bring a "give away blanket" on which to place the "give away" items. Each of us brings 1 item that has been precious/ meaningful to us in our life, that we are ready to "give away" to place upon the blanket. It can be a small token like a rock with meaning, a special article of clothing, a tool or impliment that has served you well, or any other item you would consider has served you along your spiritual path. You can wrap it, or leave it unwrapped. Please place a small note in the item with your name on it and a brief explaination of 'why this item is precious to you.' At the end of the evening, we will go to the blanket and choose 1 item from the blanket that draws us. The significance of the Give Away gesture is that the energy of the person who has gifted it, give away the item and all of the meaning and support the item represents will then travel with the newly gifted person into this next exciting year. It is a lovely cermony that will only take a few moments before we enjoy our social time and treats. If you can not find anything, do not want to participate, or just forget ... no problem. You will be very welcome to join the evening regardless!

A special Focus for 2009 will be printed out for all .
If you RSVP - confirm your registration by Tuesday Dec. 9th, we will also include on the 2009 focus a paragraph that outlines your personal focus for 2009! (This takes a fair bit of time for me to do, so I won't be able to prepare last minute personal focuses.)
You are also welcome to purchase Gift Certificates for those special people on your holiday list who might enjoy a private appointment with Grandmother. If you pruchase a 1-hr session for Grandmother ($250.), you will receive an additional free gift certificate for a 15-minute session for either channeling or medical intuition.(Valued at $100.) If you are planning on picking up some certificates at the evening, please let us know by phone or email, so we can have them ready for you at the registration table.
Pot luck snack table and socializing afterwards.
Last, but not least, I would love to have your mailing address to send you a special notice about an offering for 2009. Thanks.

If you are coming, let me know as soon as possible so I can have your seat ready for you and plan the snacks and number of Handouts accordingly!

Hugs from Lori xo

This is the chance you have been waiting for! Understand the world in broader ways. Bring your important questions and let this wise spirit-being share her insights.
Friday December 12, 2007 (7- 9 pm) The Turfgrass Institute 328 Victoria Road South (Between College Ave. & York Road)Cost: $ 20.00

Lori Wilson, author, social worker, radio show host and internationally recognized intuitive, will be sharing an amazing 2-hour evening that demystifies everything you may have learned or heard about intuition, channeling and tapping into higher wisdom. In her 23 years of developing her extraordinary intuitive abilities, Lori and her ancient Shoshone elder spirit guide, Grandmother, have been teaching thousands to channel higher wisdom and achieve inner trust. Lori believes channeling is not a mystical gift, but rather a skill that everyone can harness for better living.
Join Lori and Grandmother for this evening of channeled ancient wisdom where Grandmother will offer a teaching and then answer audience questions of general interest and benefit to all. Throughout the evening, 5 audience names will be drawn to ask personal questions as well. Get curious and see how paying attention to what seems invisible can change your life!

Come Grow with Us & Bring Your Friends! TO REGISTER, PLEASE RSVP or CALL 519-824-6655.

For a list of questions from previous presentations, visit!
If you have already received this invitation, we regret the overlap in our two mailing lists.

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