Saturday, December 20, 2008
Homemade cold and cough tea
3 Pieces of Sliced Ginger
1 sprinkle of cinnamon
3 tsp of lemon juice
1 tsp of honey
Add hot water
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
CNN Report on Smoking Robbing Eyesight
Age-related macular degeneration is a baby-boomer disease that, according to the American Medical Association, affects more than 10 million Americans. It is one of the leading causes of blindness for people over age 65. A study published in the July 2007 issue of Archives of Ophthalmology found that current smokers are four times more likely to develop this eye problem than nonsmokers.
Questions and answers
What does the study say?
Dr. Sanjay Gupta, chief medical correspondent: We're talking about a disease called age-related macular degeneration. The biggest risk factor for it is simply getting older. It usually hits after age 50, and, by the time you're 75, about 15 percent of all people have it. Smoking is also a known risk factor. But this research found the risk for getting late age-related macular degeneration is four times greater if you smoke.
Age-related macular degeneration affects your eyes, and gradually destroys your sharp central vision you need for seeing objects clearly for things like reading, driving, and even recognizing faces. The macula is the center of the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. The retina relays images through the optic nerve to the brain. When the macula breaks down, things start to look blurred. Watch to learn more about macular degeneration »
The mechanism for why smoking may increase the risk to your eyesight isn't clear yet. We know smoking increases your risk for many diseases. For example, smokers are twice as likely to die from heart attacks as are nonsmokers, according to the American Cancer Society. But the clear takeaway message here is: If you smoke, quit and get regular eye exams.
What if you used to smoke but you quit?
In this study, past smokers were three times as likely to have late age-related macular degeneration as those who had never smoked, compared with four times greater for current smokers. So, former smokers still have higher risk, but it's slightly lessened. But obviously, there are all kinds of other health benefits if you quit smoking. According to the American Cancer Society, people who quit before age 50 cut their risk of dying in the next 15 years in half compared with those who continue to smoke.
Can age-related macular degeneration be treated or cured?
There's no cure for it, but therapies can slow vision loss. It's important to get regular eye exams. An eye exam can detect macular degeneration before the disease causes vision loss. The American Medical Association recommends a screening eye exam, including detailed exam of the retina, for all people age 40 and over. And if your doctor discovers age-related macular degeneration, it's important to have frequent eye exams.
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Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Juicing for Energy
I had a carrot, pineapple and apple combo at breakfast. I had some and my 3 year old also drank some. Afterwards he was singing and felt the urge to run! I felt pretty energized too. On these dark dreary days, it is nice to have a blast of energy.
Juicing also gets your body more alkaline which is a good state to be in. See my May newsletter on Acid vs Alkaline Balance
Here are two recipes, one for the morning and another for detoxification:
Morning Wake Up Juice (serves 4)
- 1 pineapple
- 2 apples
- 5 carrots
Happy Liver Detox Juice
- few sprigs of parsley
- one large beet
- 5 carrots
- 3 celery stalks
- 1 cup of kale
Thursday, December 11, 2008
A note from Lori Wilson on "An Evening With Grandmother"
I do hope you will be able to join us next week for the Evening with Grandmother, Friday December the 12th. This will be the last one for the year 2008, our 31st wonderful monthly tradition. I want to thank each and every one of you for making this time with Grandmother so very special.
We will enjoy our regular Evening with Grandmother and afterwards you are welcome to join in for Holiday celebrations for a social gathering. Please feel free to bring a pot luck snack to share with everyone. On regular evenings, I am usually am busy enjoying answering personal questions for guests. Last holdiay season we started a new tradition which is that I don't answer personal questions after this event, but rather join in the social and celebrat ion time with you.
Grandmother has specifically requested that we participate in a native gifting celebration called a "Give Away". How we have done this in the past is that I will bring a "give away blanket" on which to place the "give away" items. Each of us brings 1 item that has been precious/ meaningful to us in our life, that we are ready to "give away" to place upon the blanket. It can be a small token like a rock with meaning, a special article of clothing, a tool or impliment that has served you well, or any other item you would consider has served you along your spiritual path. You can wrap it, or leave it unwrapped. Please place a small note in the item with your name on it and a brief explaination of 'why this item is precious to you.' At the end of the evening, we will go to the blanket and choose 1 item from the blanket that draws us. The significance of the Give Away gesture is that the energy of the person who has gifted it, give away the item and all of the meaning and support the item represents will then travel with the newly gifted person into this next exciting year. It is a lovely cermony that will only take a few moments before we enjoy our social time and treats. If you can not find anything, do not want to participate, or just forget ... no problem. You will be very welcome to join the evening regardless!
A special Focus for 2009 will be printed out for all .
If you RSVP - confirm your registration by Tuesday Dec. 9th, we will also include on the 2009 focus a paragraph that outlines your personal focus for 2009! (This takes a fair bit of time for me to do, so I won't be able to prepare last minute personal focuses.)
You are also welcome to purchase Gift Certificates for those special people on your holiday list who might enjoy a private appointment with Grandmother. If you pruchase a 1-hr session for Grandmother ($250.), you will receive an additional free gift certificate for a 15-minute session for either channeling or medical intuition.(Valued at $100.) If you are planning on picking up some certificates at the evening, please let us know by phone or email, so we can have them ready for you at the registration table.
Pot luck snack table and socializing afterwards.
Last, but not least, I would love to have your mailing address to send you a special notice about an offering for 2009. Thanks.
If you are coming, let me know as soon as possible so I can have your seat ready for you and plan the snacks and number of Handouts accordingly!
Hugs from Lori xo
This is the chance you have been waiting for! Understand the world in broader ways. Bring your important questions and let this wise spirit-being share her insights.
Friday December 12, 2007 (7- 9 pm) The Turfgrass Institute 328 Victoria Road South (Between College Ave. & York Road)Cost: $ 20.00
Lori Wilson, author, social worker, radio show host and internationally recognized intuitive, will be sharing an amazing 2-hour evening that demystifies everything you may have learned or heard about intuition, channeling and tapping into higher wisdom. In her 23 years of developing her extraordinary intuitive abilities, Lori and her ancient Shoshone elder spirit guide, Grandmother, have been teaching thousands to channel higher wisdom and achieve inner trust. Lori believes channeling is not a mystical gift, but rather a skill that everyone can harness for better living.
Join Lori and Grandmother for this evening of channeled ancient wisdom where Grandmother will offer a teaching and then answer audience questions of general interest and benefit to all. Throughout the evening, 5 audience names will be drawn to ask personal questions as well. Get curious and see how paying attention to what seems invisible can change your life!
Come Grow with Us & Bring Your Friends! TO REGISTER, PLEASE RSVP or CALL 519-824-6655.
For a list of questions from previous presentations, visit!
If you have already received this invitation, we regret the overlap in our two mailing lists.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Could you help by participating in a short quiz?
I am looking to do a short survey online. Could you take a minute to answer seven quick questions on digestive health:
Thanks for your parctipation!!!
Upcoming Health Talks
Learn how to give IBS the boot through diet and natural remedies.
Host: Heather Caruso, local Homeopathic Doctor and author of "Your Drug Free Guide to Digestive Health".Saturday January 10th from 9:30 till 11am
Admission $20.00 Location: Guelph
Please call to register as space is limited!
519 827 9237
Crohn's and Colitis Boot Camp
Learn how to give Crohn's and Colitis the boot through diet and natural remedies.
Host: Heather Caruso, local Homeopathic Doctor and author of "Your Drug Free Guide to Digestive Health".
Saturday February 14th from 9:30 till 11am
Admission $20.00 Location: Guelph
Please call to register as space is limited!
519 827 9237
What is Alternative Medicine and How Can It Help Me?
Learn what the different types of alternative medicine are and how they can help you and your family stay healthy.
How to use homeopathic remedies at home for acute conditions and first aid.
Learn about the latest longevity research and how to live a healthy life.
Host: Heather Caruso, local Homeopathic Doctor and author of "Your Drug Free Guide to Digestive Health".
Saturday February 28th from 9:30 till 11am
Admission $20.00 Location: Guelph
Please call to register as space is limited!
519 827 9237
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Homeopathy for the Flu
- It only protects for whatever strain they are using in the vaccine. It is not 100% guaranteed that you will be immune when you do get the shot. There are no guarantees, like anything in life.
- The flu is typically not life threatening for those with a normal immune system.
- It contains thimerisol, which is a preservative and includes the heavy metal called mercury. Like most of people, I am not a fan of heavy metals, especially by injection. There are many vaccines that do not contain thimerisol in Canada.
- The flu shot is injected, with all of it's preservatives, directly into your bloodstream.
- Many of my clients have reported adverse reactions to the shot, such as headaches, flu symptoms, cold, fatigue, local swelling and in some severe cases nervous tics.
- Please see an interesting video blog on the flu shot from Dr. Mercola:
Not everyone getting the flu shot gets sick. However, I believe if your immune system is strong enough, you will likely bypass the flu.
There is a few good alternatives help prevent the flu from taking you down:
- Influenzinum 9CH, take one vial per week. This is a homeopathic preparation made from common flu strains. These strains are so diluted they carry only a vibration or essence of the original substance thus it is completely free of side effects.
- Thymuline 9CH, take one vial per week. This is another homeopathic preparation made from thymus extract. It helps to stimulate the immune system. It is also very gentle and diluted and free of side effects.
- Ocillococcinum is a great remedy for when the flu has already struck. It helps with symptoms such as chills, aches, pains and fever. Typical dosage is one pill three times a day until the symptoms abate.
Seek the help of a professional homeopath if you have symptoms that you are not sure of.
These remedies are available in the clinic and in most stores that carry homeopathic remedies. Please call the clinic to order yours today.
Heather Caruso
Monday, November 10, 2008
Upcoming Seminar on WHEE
I thought this seminar looked very interested by local Guelphite, Daniel Benor, author of "7 Minutes to Natural Pain Release".....
Have a look,
Heather Caruso
WHEE Level I Certificate Workshop
WHEE: Whole Health – Easily and Effectively®
AKA - Wholistic Hybrid derived from Eye Movement Desensitization and
Reprocessing (EMDR) and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
For Healthcare Practitioners January 17-18 9:00 – 5:00
Daniel Benor, Wholistic Psychotherapist (Can), MD, Psychiatrist, ABIHM (US)
DISCOVER - Ways in which stress and distress are processed in mind,
emotions and body, and wholistic ways to deal with these.
EXPLORE - Ways to identify and release physical and psychological pains,
anxieties, cravings that are debilitating – rapidly and thoroughly
LEARN - Ways to teach others to treat their own problems
Grateful clients report WHEE helped them rapidly and significantly, sometimes even dramatically with emotional and physical pains (tension headaches, migraines, backaches, irritable bowel syndrome, pains from surgery and injury, arthritis, fibromyalgia); stress; anxieties; side effects of medications; unresolved grief and other residues from the past; self-limiting beliefs; and more. Practitioners report outstanding successes with clients, who learn WHEE easily and use it to great effect. See full details at the URL, below, under WHEE, Workshops, and Appreciations sections.
Daniel Benor is an expert on wholistic self-healing. He helps people clarify and address their problems with a blend of elements from intuitive and spiritual awareness, spiritual healing (Reiki and Therapeutic Touch), WHEE, transactional analysis, gestalt therapy, hypnotherapy, meditation, imagery and relaxation (psychoneuroimmunology), dream analysis, and other aspects of Wholistic healing. Dr. Benor has taught this spectrum of methods internationally for 25 years to people involved in wholistic, intuitive, and spiritual approaches to caring, health and personal development. He is a Professor at Energy Medicine University, Mill Valley, CA.
Dr. Benor founded The Doctor-Healer Network in England and North America and the Council for Healing in the US ( He is the author of Healing Research, Volumes I-III and many articles on wholistic, spiritual healing. He is the editor and publisher of the peer reviewed International Journal of Healing and Caring - On Line ( and moderator of a major informational website on spiritual awareness, healing and CAM research ( He appears internationally on radio and TV.
Cost: $595 – with certificate from The Institute of Natural Health Technologies.
Early Bird discount for January workshop Paid by January 2. $550 +GST
Participants will also receive a 25% discount off their fee for every new student (new to INHT) they refer who registers on their recommendation.
Cancellations policy: Full refund till Dec. 15; $50 processing fee till Jan 11;
no refunds thereafter
Venue: Institute for Natural Health Technologies, 410 North Service Road East, 2nd Floor, Oakville, ON L6H 5R2 Phone: 905-465-3830 (877)-393-7700
For further details contact Dr. Benor 519 265 0698
More about WHEE at
Award winning book on WHEE for pain at
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Link to Guelph Tribune Article
City Woman Pens Books
Published on Oct 28, 2008
Local homeopath Heather Caruso has released a book about gastrointestinal disorders called Your Drug-Free Guide to Digestive Health. It's a comprehensive guide book about the natural treatments available for gastrointestinal disorders, said a news release.
Caruso, who runs Caruso Homeopathic Clinic, has treated children and adults throughout her career who have irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, diverticulitis and ulcerative colitis. Caruso explains in the book the drug-free ways such conditions can be treated.
"The book contains a treasure of reliable information delivered in a smart and easy-to-use format," said Homeopathic Research Network of Canada co-ordinator David Brule in the release.
The book is meant for not only for the adherents of homeopathic and natural treatments, it said, but also for others seeking to expand their knowledge of how to keep their body on the path to good health.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Homeopathy in the News
One study of the homeopathic remedy, Chamomilla 6CH, found that mice who were stressed through a forced swimming test or living with a sick mouse, faired equally as well as the group who received an anti-depressant called amitryptiline. These two groups faired much better than the group given a placebo.
Another study found that sheep who were infected with a parasite haemonchus contortus did well with homeopathic remedies as well. There was a homeopathy group, a drug group takng doramectin or an untreated group. The homeopathic group had a significant reduction in parasite larvae compared to the untreated group. They also had superior weight gain compared to the untreated and drug group. Homeopathic remedies were also shown to be economically beneficial compared to drug treatments for this disorder.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Life Expectancy Calculator
Heather Caruso
Giving You the Gift of Anti Aging!
I am offering a free e-book for those who sign up for my monthly health newsletter (which is also a free service). It is a great book that contains cutting edge health information on Anti-Aging. Just go to
When you e-mail us to sign up, please make a note with your name and that you would like to take advantage of your free Anti-Aging book.
Happy Thanksgiving...
Heather Caruso
Caruso Homeopathic Clinic
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
New Video Logging!
Walnuts May Reduce Cancer Incidence
Stress is the Monkey on Your Back
After ten years, the alpha monkeys started to eat from a dump site. They ate first being the top monkey. They consumed meat poisoned with tuberculosis. All of the alpha males died. Then these laid back monkeys lived with the females. They didn't lash out at the females when they are angry. They lived together peacefully and raised their young. After twenty years, this new type of monkey didn't have any heart disease, weight problems and diabetes. It seems that living in a peaceful environment with some control over your destiny helps to keep one healthy. It is important to work with people you enjoy and have some control.
Another thing they found was that mothers who were stressed and pregnant during a famine in Holland, had children aged 60. These 60 years olds almost all had heart disease, diabetes and an inability to deal with stress.
Doing brain scans on stressed people found that they lost brain cells, their neurons shrank. There telomeres that connect dna strands also shrank. When they had a support group, friends and someone to laugh with, these telomeres actually grew back.
I found this work fascinating. So many of us are chasing the dollar and not enjoying our work. Having a job we love, takes a lot of pressure off us. We don't take regular breaks to stop and enjoy life. We must keep good company, supportive friends and those who have our best interest at heart.
Try some natural stress remedies, try ashwaganda, rhodiola, vitamin B5 and adrenal extract.
Monday, September 22, 2008
A Note from Barbara McKell, Soul Connection
Autumn brings a pallet of warm rich colours into our vision and for a brief time, we drink in the multitude of colours that emerge from a previously green background. The colours burst forth from the greenery that surrounded us all summer like a riotous party before the long deep sleep of winter. Where do the yellows, golds, reds and browns come from? This can answered very scientifically with plant biochemistry and physiology. I don't pretend to understand the myriad of processes involved, but with a little reserch I discovered the reason these beautuiful colours emerge in the fall.As plant leaves begin to die in autumn the green pigment, chlorophyll, decays rapidly while other pigments, yellow carotenoids, decay more slowly. Other pigments, red anthocyanins, are produced as byproducts of the death of the leaves. The green colour fades to reveal the underlying yellows, reds and browns from tannin and other compounds. The colour and vibrancy are influenced by plant genetics and the environment. The Colours have always enlivened me. I have been involved in colour through my art and my many years spent in the field as a fashion designer. The Auracle colours have brought me to a whole new understanding of the vibration and life force which runs through live, natural colours. The colours of nature speak to us and enliven our energetic being with radiance and vitality. We crave colour. It effects our mood, our attitudes and our health. The colours of our clothing and home decore, which come from unatural chemicals do not satisfy our enegetic need for colour, because they are dead colours.Auracles colours are safe, pure and alive. There are absolutely no chemicals in Auracle's Colours to keep the integrity within these extremely high frequencies, allowing those who use them to shift and heal quickly. Auracle's Colours are made with special powders from Mother Earth that have resulted in a spectrum of 26 beautiful and illuminating natural colours, as well as gem essences, blessed waters, oils, some which go back into the time of Christ, and energies of all Angels, Archangels, Masters and Ascended Masters from every culture as every journey is different and every soul has its own calling and perception. The Masters guide the session....If you would like to experience this exquisite live colour system. You can use the coupon below until Dec. 31, 2008
Sacred Sound
by Barbara McKell
Sacred Sound is spiritually-healing sound used all over the world as a means of access to the divine. Sacred sound provides wholeness through its healing and soothing properties. The modern day use of Sacred Sound is causing a vibratory awakening and altering the structure of our limiting world view.
Tones and sounds are important for our vibrational frequencies. These tones are waves of movement, which help to release the structure of lower thought forms held as cellular memory in the body restoring natural balance and harmony. In my healing work I use the crystal tones of the Crystal singing bowls to move energy. Through the purest wave form of sine waves, the vibration allows free flowing movement of energy throughout the body.
Crystal singing bowls create tones and waves of light, which carry through physical objects and move matter. The body has a natural affinity to quartz crystal. The crystalline substances within our body exist in our bones, blood, brain and DNA. The silica within our bodies balances our electromagnetic energies. We are star dust and we respond to sound in the same way star system come into existence.Book an appointement with Barbara to experience your own personal sound healing session lying on a crystal bed. and magically be transported by the crystal sound.
ART SHOW AN SALE featuring The Visionary Art of Barbara McKell
The Opening Way 24 Regina St. N. Waterloo ON October 24, 2008 7:00 pm. to 9:30 pm. I will be holding my first Art show and sale at Holly Oak, The Opening way in Waterloo Ontario. The show will be all my original art pieces and most of them will be available for sale. I invite everyone to come out for my first show to share this special occasion with me and see what actually goes on in my inner world.
There is no charge and refreshments will be served.Meditation for Joyful Living Classes"If there is to be Peace in the world there must be Peace within your own heart."
Barbara will be a gentle guide helping you to develop the discipline of your practice in an open hearted joyful way and touch the deepest part of your soul. Barbara McKell teaches simple and powerful meditation methods that anyone can learn to improve all aspects of their life and manage stress. She has been trained in Deepak Chopra's Primordial Sound Meditation, Sehaj Meditation, Biofeedback, Imagery, Dr. Norman Shealy's Biogenics and various Buddhist meditation practices.
Meditation should be effortless, simple and very powerful. It is extremely healing to the body and the mind. It enables a person to experience life more fully.
Meditation offers: Heart based devotion and spiritual awareness Increase peace, joy, calm and happiness.
Cost $25 each session or $100 for 5 prepaid sessions To register for the Monday sessions call Barbara at 519-823-2162 or email
Ear Candling Training with Tracy Young
Oct. 18 from 10:00 am. to 4:00 pm.
Learn the ancient art of maintaining ear health with ear candling and facial massage. Tracy Young has many years of experienced as an Ear Candling Practitioner. In this one day training class, Tracy will teach students how to prepare the client with gentle facial and neck massage. Complete instruction will be given on how to select and use ear candles properly. Student will be supervised as they both give and receive an ear candling session. A manual and course materials are included. A certificate of completion is given upon successful completion of training.Cost $150
50% OFFBecause I have witnessed such wonderful effects with the Auacle ColourTherapy sessions. I am offering sessions at a special fee of only $75. This will include a reading and a colour healing session. The regular fee for this service is $150 . I invite you to delve into the magnificent healing power of these extremely alive and vital colours. Call 519-823-2162 or email to book your appointmentOffer expires December 1st, 2008 ...
Auracle Colour Therapy
These exquisite natural colours allow the darkness to light up into a beautiful design and form. When you choose your colours for a reading or for a colour session, they reveal the Blueprint of your soul. By using them they light up all the strands within your being that have gone dark allowing you to experience a life of light and Unconditional Love… Is there any other kind?
Sacred Sound - 2 Special Events
Celebrate the Return of the Goddesswith
dennis gaumond and the BHADRA COLLECTIVEfeaturing: a 9-piece band, chant music, world-beat grooves, exotic instruments, trance/dance.with special guests: Sean O'Connor - bass clarinet, sax and assorted horns Prince Bamidele Bajowa - talking drum and a performance by Ishra and the Invoketress Dance Theatrewhen: Friday, Oct. 10, doors open at 7pm, concert at 8pmwhere: The River Run Centre, 35 Woolwich St., Guelph, ONwhy: To celebrate the dawning of a new era as feminine energy restores balance to our world.cost: $22 - tickets available at the River Run box office - 519 763-3000 or toll-free - 877 520-2408for more info please visit: SEPTEMBER 17, 2008Journey Through The Solar System Arboretum Center, University of GuelphCRYSTAL JOURNEYWITH THE ART OF EDEN MARTINPRESENTSJOURNEY THROUGH THE SOLAR SYSTEM With David HickeyA musical, vibrational and colour journey through our solar system with 18 Paiste Planet Gongs, Quartz Crystal Bowls and Vibraphone, accompanied by artist-painter, Eden Martin. Planet Gongs are tuned to the natural harmonic series based on the orbital properties of the Earth, Moon, Sun and Planets. All of these gongs resonate in harmony with the celestial bodies and communicate a distinct aspect of the Music of the Spheres, which was first written about by Pythagoras in the 6th Century BC. Each planet gong contributes a vital pitch to the total harmonic resonance of our solar system. Artist Eden Martin will capture the performance in color. This tour will take place during a full lunar cycle with 17 dates in Ontario; the final show will be in Toronto at CBC Glenn Gould Studio on Thursday, November 13th during the full moon. Hamilton, Oct 14th Full MoonGuelph, Oct 17thMarkdale, Oct 18thSt Catharines, Oct 24thOakville, Oct 25thLondon, Oct 28th New MoonBarrie, Oct 31st HalloweenAjax, Nov 1stPeterborough, Nov 2ndKingston, Nov 4thBelleville/Trenton, Nov 5thWakefield QC, Nov 6th First Quarter Almonte, Nov 7thOttawa, Nov 8thSimcoe, Nov 11thToronto, Nov 13th Full MoonA new CD entitled Journey Through The Solar System will be released in Hamilton, David's best work yet, also raffle tickets will be sold during the tour, first prize a 38" Paiste Sound Creation Gong, second prize a 24" Paiste Planet Gong, third prize a 16" Quartz Bowl, forth prize a collection of Crystal Journey CD's and fifth prize a art print from the Art of Eden Martin, darw to take place at the Glenn Gould show on Nov 14th
Barbara McKell, RT CRA, KRM • 12 Oakridge Cres. • Guelph • Ontario • N1L 1J1
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Iron and Cancer
Iron is a non water soluble vitamin, which means it builds up in the tissues if it is taken in excess. Another interesting tidbit, is that it feeds cancer cells. Here is a link to another good LEF article on Iron and Cancer:
Journey to the Center of Our Girth
I am reporting thus far 10lbs lost since starting. I am going to keep going and encourage others to share their recipes, successes and support online. Just reply to the blog and set up yourself up.
Keep shedding my friends!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Healthy Recipes for
If you are like me, you like to eat well. I found this recipe, and many other on, check it out for some gourmet meal ideas:
Healthy Dinner Tonight
Easy recipes and healthy-eating tips delivered daily
Tired of takeout? Can't think of anything to cook for tonight's dinner? Get fast and nutritious recipes and easy ideas for how to make mealtime healthier from Epicurious and Nutrition Data. Every weekday our Healthy Dinner Tonight feature gives you a fresh Epicurious recipe with a complete nutritional analysis from the experts at Nutrition Data. Nothing bland or boring here: We serve up tasty and healthy recipes for seafood, pasta, and even steak, plus suggestions for sides and plenty of tips.
Lemon-Herb Chicken with Roasted Potatoes and Easy Caesar Salad
brought to you by and
Calories 493; Total Fat 19g; Carbohydrates 30g
This satisfying and nutritious meal, complete with two side dishes, can be prepared in about 30 minutes. The whole heart-healthy menu comes in at under 500 calories and is low in sodium and saturated fat. Fresh lemon juice makes all the difference in the simple but sophisticated pan sauce (and in the easy Caesar salad dressing as well), so resist the temptation to use bottled juice. For dessert, have some fresh fruit.
Go to the healthy recipe on
Nutritional Information
Amounts per serving plus the % Daily Value (DV) based on a 2,000 calorie diet:
493 Calories (25%)
19g Total fat (30%)
3g Saturated Fat (15%)
115mg Cholesterol (38%)
318mg Sodium (13%)
30g Carbohydrate (10%)
5g Fiber (19%)
50g Protein (100%)
See the full nutritional analysis from
More Healthy Recipes
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Homeopathy Works for Children with Eczema
Reported in Pulse (UK) May 7 2008
Excerpt taken from Homeopathy Today. Reporting from the NCH,
Friday, September 12, 2008
B12 May Prevent Brain Shrinkage in the Aging Population
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Interesting workshops from Dragonfly
I had received this email and thought the information looked of interest. I have never used their services however, the information looks interesting for those who are curious!
Heather Caruso
Caruso Homeopathic Clinic
Hello fellow lightworkers!
I'd like to share my newletter providing you with an informative article, local links, current workshops, and discounts. I know we are all very busy but as people that help, teach, and care for others, we need to make sure we care for ourselves. Choose to come to a Reiki Share, Meditation Group, or Workshop to recharge!
You may also find the 'Growing Your Healthcare Business' marketing workshop of interest. See below for details.
In health and light,
Many people ask, “Why the dragonfly?” According to Ancient Native Americans beliefs, all animals had lessons to teach and had healing or inspirational power. Dragonfly is the essence of the winds of change, the messages of wisdom and enlightenment and beckons you to seek out the parts of your habits which need changing. Dragonfly's magic shows us to see through life's illusions to the pathway of transformation and find our true vision and reminds us to feel deeply so we will have the compassion necessary to help ourselves and others. Simply put, the dragonfly symbolizes change. The Centre is all about change for wellness through education and healing. See below for articles and events, upcoming workshops, special offers and links.
In health and light,
Irene Arndt, Owner: Dragonfly Centre for Change
Monthly Article
The Healer and the Healing Process; What Does a Healer Do?
With so many healing modalities emerging and becoming popular, how do you know what to try or what to expect? How do you pre-qualify someone who is going to be working with you in such a personal way? What exactly is involved in this process of healing? As someone who has been changing and healing for some time now, I’ll outline some of the highlights.
Link to full article on website.
What’s New?
Dragonfly Centre for Change has partnered with Ready2Grow Associates to facilitate a NEW marketing workshop targeting Health Care Professionals! See Growing Your Health Care Business workshop below, Sept. 26.
Dragonfly Centre for Change is a new member of the Greater KW Chamber of Commerce. Drop by the booth at Business After 5 tradeshow, Bingeman’s, Sept. 23.
Current Workshops
Meditation Meet-up Group: Tuesday’s Sept. 9 & 30, Oct. 14 & 28, 7:30-8:30pm, $5
This time is dedicated to anyone interested in relaxation, self growth and connecting with your higher self. Topics change each time. All are welcome, from beginner to advanced. RSVP required. See for details.
Learn to Meditate at Home Workshop: Thursday Sept. 18, 6:30-8:30pm, $20
Do you want to start to meditate at home but are not sure where to start? Participate in three simple meditations and try three different postures to see what works for you. Take home the handouts to practice on your own.
Can-Fit-Pro Resist-A-Ball Level 1 Certification: Saturday Sept. 20, 10am to 4pm, Register through Can-Fit-Pro at 1800-667-5622 x224.
Earn credits towards your Personal Trainer or Group Fitness Instructor Certification. Practice over 70 exercises! Fee includes a photographic manual for reference.
Mindful Meditation Workshop: Thursday Sept. 25, 6:30-8:30pm, $20
Do you need a break? Give yourself the gift of ‘being’ – enjoying life in the moment… the present. Learn the simple techniques of mindfulness-based meditation to enhance your life. Instruction, practice, and handouts included in fee.
Growing Your Healthcare Business Workshop: Friday Sept. 26, 1:30-3:30pm, $25
Partnering with Lois Raats of Ready2Grow Associates,
Register through the Small Business Centre, Kitchener City Hall (519) 741-2986
Are you longing to grow your healthcare business? Struggling to attract and keep clients? You’re not alone! Many healthcare pros find sales & marketing intimidating. In this two-hour seminar we will clear the clutter and show you some simple do-able methods for attracting and keeping the clients you love to serve. We’ll explore:
[ Ways to overcome the inner barriers that inhibit outward success
[ Inexpensive marketing methods that will skyrocket your growth
[ A proven set of methods that will help you implement your great ideas and take your business to the next level.
NOW is the time to set your business up for success in the coming year. Sign up today!
For more information write to: or
1st Degree Reiki Certification Workshop: Saturday Sept. 27, 9:30am to 4:30pm, $149
This workshop is designed for proficiency in treating yourself and other family members (including pets) and is targeted towards anyone interested in self-improvement or energy healing, and caregivers of, or individuals with, chronic conditions or terminal illness.
Meet Your Crystals & Gemstones Workshop: Sunday Sept. 28, 1:30-3:30pm, $20
Did you ever wonder why there are certain birthstones for each month? Learn the attributes of crystals and gems and explore their energy for healing and meditation.
Reiki Share Meet-up Group: Oct. 5, 6-8pm, $5
Reiki Practitioners and Masters share a time if learning and practicing Japanese Reiki Techniques and exchange Reiki healing. RSVP required. See
Principles of Healing Workshop: Thursday Oct. 16, 6:30-8:30pm, $20
Explore concepts of stress and dis-ease, and reversing the disease process through the relaxation response. Learn simple methods of invoking the relaxation response for health.
Reiki Master Mentor Program Needs Analysis: Thursday Oct. 23, 6:30-8:30pm, $0
This will be a social time for Reiki Masters that would like to teach but are not for whatever reason (no confidence, forgot materials, don’t know how to teach, …) I’m creating a Master Mentor Program but need to know from all of you where I need to place my teaching focus.
Special Workshop Offer
Apply to any workshop above (not Meet-up Groups or Can-Fit-Pro Certification)
Register a friend or associate at the same time for $5 off for each of you!
"I enjoyed meeting you and the group. The sharing and the healing session were a blessing. Thank you for welcoming us into your home and for everything... I'd like to attend your other get togethers... and maybe take Reiki later."
Reiki Meet-up Group Participant, August 2008
Community Partners
Some useful links to local health and business resources you may find helpful
Greater KW Chamber of Commerce,
KW Fibromyalgia Support Group, Sept. 16, Holiday Inn
MeFest, Sept. 13/08, Waterloo Rec Complex,
Ready2Grow Associates, Lois Raats,
The Transformation Hub,
Tri-City TruLife Magazine,
At Dragonfly Centre for Change we comply fully with PIPEDA (the privacy act). We do not share e-mail addresses, nor do we wish to send you material you would consider spam. Please reply to this e-mail and identify if you wish to be taken off the newsletter list or all future e-mail contact.
Irene Arndt, CEO
Dragonfly Centre for Change
130 Dalegrove Drive, Kitchener, ON N2M 2G5
Phone: 519-497-8428
Wellness Workshops, Reiki Training, Healing Sessions, Meditation
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Drug Free Guide to Digestive Health Book
Just updating my blog with some exciting news. My book published by Volumes is doing quite well in its first few weeks.
I have two reviews for my book, called "Your Drug Free Guide to Digestive Health" coming up in 2 homeopathic journals in the U.S. and the U.K.
I have a few online homeopathic book dealers who appreciated it's contribution to alternative health and are carrying it: (Riverdale Homeopathic Services- Canada) (Minimum Price Homeopathic Books, Canada and US) (Homeopathic Education Services, US) (Whole Health Now, US)
Coming soon, it will be available online at Chapters and Amazon and some homeopathic book stores in the UK.
Stores that are carrying the book in Guelph are the Stone Store and Chapter's in Stone Road Mall. It is also available to purchase at Caruso Homeopathic Clinic.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Sacred Wisdom Centre Events
October 18, 2008 BRUCE CHILTON at Guelph Turfgrass Institute
7:30-9:30 Public Lecture on and signing of his
new book “Abraham’s Curse” 2008
Find out why you accept the sacrifice of young men in war? Awaken reason.
October 19, 2008 9:00-5:00 Workshop “Sacred Ritual”,
Bring sacred ritual and the Eucharist personally alive.
November 14-16, 2008 7:00 p.m. Friday to 5:00 p.m. Sunday
at Living Yoga and Health, Guelph, ON
Workshop “Embodying Soul through Chakras and Dreams”
Be surprised by the wisdom of your body, your dreams and the creativity you denied.
limited to 12 participants
March 13, 2009 7:30-9-30 p.m. Public Lecture
MATTHEW FOX, Guelph, Ontario
“The Reinvention of Work” Find authentic passion,
enrich your soul and love your work..
March 14, March 14, 2009 7:30-9-30 p.m. Public Lecture on
and signing of his new book (Sept.’08) “The Hidden
Spirituality of Men.” Awaken the Sacred Masculine.
April 17-19, 2009 7:00 p.m. Friday to 5:00 p.m. Sunday
at First St. Andrew’s United Church, London, Ontario
Workshop “Sacred Path, Sacred Body”
Wake up your body! Experience authentic refreshment
and the mystery of the ancient wisdom of the
Chartres labyrinth. Be more of your true self. Have fun.
June 19-24, 2009 JOANNA MACY at Loyola House, Guelph,ON
(event also planned and supported by Sally Ludwig and Judy Myers Avis)
June 19, 2009 7:30-9-30 p.m. Public Lecture
“The Adventure of Our Time:The Great Turning”
This turning from an industrial growth society to a life-sustaining civilization
is now in motion. See the world anew. Turn from aloneness to connection, from discouragement to renewal and from apathy to empowered action.
June 20-24, 2009 9:00 a.m. Sat. to 5:00 p.m.Wed.
Intensive “The Work that Reconnects”
Come back to life. Reconnect to the living Earth. Reconnect to courage and life-sustaining resilience in the face of overwhelming ecological despair. Find insight, solidarity and tools for collaborative action.
Residential rooms (single occupancy only) open to 45 full retreat participants.
June 20-21, 2009 9:00 a.m. Sat. to 5:00 p.m. Sun.
The first phase of the Intensive is available to a limited number of
non-residential participants.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Week 3 Update
Today I am still at 7.5 lbs lost. I am looking for more, but will wait until next week for results. Marching forward!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Green Tea Helps Improve Blood Sugar in Borderline Diabetics
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Exercise is the Fountain of Youth
Excerpt from
Older people who do endurance exercise training end up with metabolically younger hearts, according to a study at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. By at least one metabolic measure, women benefit more than men from the training.Researchers measured heart metabolism in sedentary older people both at rest and during administration of dobutamine, a drug that makes the heart race as if a person were exercising vigorously. At the start of the study, they found that the hearts of the study subjects didn't increase their uptake of glucose in response to the dobutamine.But after endurance exercise training involving walking, running or cycling exercises three to five days a week for about an hour per session, the participants' hearts doubled their glucose uptake during high-energy demand, just as younger hearts do.If heart muscle doesn't take in glucose in response to increased energy needs, it goes into an energy-deprived state, which can raise the risk of heart attack. But if it can increase glucose uptake, the heart is better protected against heart attack and ischemia (low oxygen).
Science Daily July 24, 2008
American Journal of Physiology -- Heart and Circulatory Physiology June 20, 2008
Cell Phone Use Linked to Increased Cancer Risk
The warning came from Dr. Ronald B. Herberman, director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute. Herberman says his warning is based on early unpublished data. He argues that people should take action now -- especially when it comes to children.
"Really at the heart of my concern is that we shouldn't wait for a definitive study to come out, but err on the side of being safe rather than sorry later," Herberman said.
Crave July 24, 2008
USA Today July 23, 2008
From Dr. Mercola's website
Tumor immunologist Dr. Ronald B. Herberman, director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, is the last in a recent succession of authorities that are speaking out publicly about the potential dangers of cell phones.
Dr. Herberman’s complete article, which was sent out with his advisory, includes a summary analysis of the recent studies that form the basis of his decision to issue precautionary measures. It also includes this illustration, showing just how much higher the absorption rates are in a 5- and 10-year old’s brain versus that of an adult. It’s an impressive visual, showing how electromagnetic radiation can penetrate almost straight through the entire brain of a 5-year old child!
“Although the evidence is still controversial, I am convinced that there are sufficient data to warrant issuing an advisory to share some precautionary advice on cell phone use,” says Dr. Herberman. I couldn’t agree more. As far as I’m concerned, the signs that we’re looking at a major public health problem are overwhelming.
To date, several countries including France, Germany and India have issued recommendations to limit your exposure to electromagnetic fields. Additionally, Toronto’s Department of Public Health is now advising teenagers and young children to limit their use of cell phones, to avoid potential health risks, which I reported on just last week.
Another noted brain cancer authority who has recently voiced his concerns is Australian Dr Vini Gautam Khurana. He is a Mayo Clinic-trained neurosurgeon with an advanced neurosurgery Fellowship in cerebral vascular and tumor microsurgery. In February 2008, Dr. Khurana issued a paper titled: Mobile Phones and Brain Tumors after 14 months of independent research, reviewing more than 100 sources of recent medical and scientific literature.
Says Dr. Khurana, “In the context of the fact that widespread mobile phone usage commenced in the mid-1980s (earliest in Northern Europe), with the first 10 years of widespread usage ending in the mid-1990s, and the fact that solid tumors may take several years to trigger and form, it seems plausible to expect that if no appropriate changes are made by Industry and consumers alike, in the next 5 - 10 years the aforementioned concerning associations will likely be definitely proven in the medical literature.”
He goes on to say: “Given the calculated “incubation time” and the commencement of mobile telephony’s mass deployment in Sweden, it is no surprise that Swedish researchers were among the first to report a positive association between cell phone use and brain tumor risk.”
Will Political Lobbying Cost You Your Health, or Perhaps Even Your Life?
Not only are there companies making lots and lots of money off of cell phones, who will do their best to spread misdirection, spin, and outright lies. But the government agencies, which are in theory there to protect you, have also entered into mutually profitable “partnerships” with the very businesses they are supposed to regulate, meaning there is very little real regulation going on.
In 2007 alone, the telecommunications industry spent almost $250 million on political lobbying. Over the past decade, they have spent a grand total of nearly $2.4 billion.
Folks, please understand – there are NO agencies “out there” protecting you from these dangers. No one’s looking out for your health, aside from the occasional brave scientist or physician who dares to rattle the status quo.
The FDA is Bought and Paid For -- In the United States there are no less than three regulatory agencies that arguably have jurisdiction over cell phones. The first is the FDA, which is responsible by law for regulating any device that emits radiation. But over the past few decades, a series of changes in government policy have for the most part prevented the FDA from being the watchdog organization it was designed to be; these days, it exists mostly to give an imprimatur of government approval to industrial products. Starting in the mid-1980’s, various industries lobbied Congress to pressure the FDA into speeding up the approval of new drugs and products. Congress was reluctant to pour more money into the organization, so instead they came up with a novel plan: creating a “partnership” between the FDA and the industries it was intended to regulate. Now, the FDA collects “user fees” from companies, which have grown to account for a significant chunk of the agency’s overall budget. In other words, the FDA now receives corporate sponsorship from the very industry that it aims to regulate. They have been transformed from a corporate watchdog into a customer of those same corporations. They do very little regulating as a result, since they want to keep their “partners” happy.
The EPA is Now Powerless -- The EPA has responsibility for any building or factory that emits radiation into the environment, such as a cell phone tower. In the early 1990’s, they planned to start regulating these towers. But the vast telecommunications industry used its lobbying resources to get a highly self-serving provision inserted into the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Since 1996, a cell phone base station is defined as a radiation emitting “device” rather than a building. Since they are now defined as devices, the EPA has lost its authority to regulate them.
The FCC is Bought and Paid For, AND Has No Power! -- Another result of the Telecommunications Act was to put nearly all regulatory power over cell phones in the hands of the Federal Communications Commission, or FCC. But the FCC is charged only with overseeing the fair and equitable use of the electromagnetic spectrum. They are not a regulatory agency with regard to health, the environment, or consumer safety. They have no regulatory authority to protect you. Even if they could, they most likely wouldn’t; like the FDA, they are making a great deal of money off of their corporate “partners”. The supposedly “public” electromagnetic spectrum is auctioned off to companies by the FCC. What’s more, after the dot-com crash of the late 90’s, many technology companies who had purchased the wavelengths found themselves strapped for cash. They owed money to the FCC, and no longer had any way to pay it. So the FCC cut a deal: they took a small percentage of the owed money as a down payment, and then agreed to collect the rest as the cell phone companies earned money from consumers. Essentially, the FCC is a mortgage holder for the mobile phone industry.The FCC now actually has a vested interest in the rapid deployment of technology and build-up of the industry, so that they can collect the rest of their money. They are not going to make any efforts to block anything the industry wants. This is a classic case of the fox guarding the henhouse.
This Must Change, and it Will
Still, despite these obstacles, the truth is coming out and these outspoken heroes in the medical community are evidence of that. The more doctors come on board, the more people will be convinced. You as well, can help by convincing your family, your friends, and your colleagues.
In the meantime, take steps to protect yourself. Getting rid of your cell phone altogether can help. But even if you don’t want to take go that far, you can still minimize your exposure and reduce your risks, and the risks to your loved ones.
Practical Advice to Limit Your Exposure to Dangerous Radiation
There are many simple precautions that you can take to reduce your exposure to information-carrying radiowaves and the electromagnetic radiation emitted from your cell phone – both of which are hazardous to your health. Here are my best guidelines:
Children Should Never Use Cell Phones: Barring a life-threatening emergency, children should not use a cell phone, or a wireless device of any type. Children are far more vulnerable to cell phone radiation than adults, because of their thinner skull bones.
Reduce Your Cell Phone Use: Turn your cell phone off more often. Reserve it for emergencies or important matters.
Use A Land Line At Home And At Work: Although more and more people are switching to using cell phones as their exclusive phone contact, it is a dangerous trend and you can choose to opt out of the madness.
Reduce or Eliminate Your Use of Other Wireless Devices: You would be wise to cut down your use of these devices. Just as with cell phones, it is important to ask yourself whether or not you really need to use them every single time. If you must use a portable home phone, use the older kind that operates at 900 MHz. They are no safer during calls, but at least they do not broadcast constantly even when no call is being made.
Use Your Cell Phone Only Where Reception Is Good: The weaker the reception, the more power your phone must use to transmit, and the more power it uses, the more radiation it emits, and the deeper the dangerous radio waves penetrate into your body. Ideally, you should only use your phone with full bars and good reception.
Turn Your Cell Phone Off When Not In Use: As long as your cell phone is on, it emits radiation intermittently, even when you are not actually making a call.
Keep Your Cell Phone Away From Your Body When It Is On: The most dangerous place to be, in terms of radiation exposure, is within about six inches of the emitting antenna. You do not want any part of your body within that area.
Use Safer Headset Technology: Wired headsets will certainly allow you to keep the cell phone farther away from your body. However, if a wired headset is not well-shielded -- and most of them are not -- the wire itself acts as an antenna attracting ambient information carrying radio waves and transmitting radiation directly to your brain. Make sure that the wire used to transmit the signal to your ear is shielded. The best kind of headset to use is a combination shielded wire and air-tube headset. These operate like a stethoscope, transmitting the information to your head as an actual sound wave; although there are wires that still must be shielded, there is no wire that goes all the way up to your head.
Related Articles:
What's More Important -- Your Cell Phone Or Your Brain? Cell Phones and Brain Tumors Electromagnetic Fields May Cause Cancer
Monday, August 11, 2008
Week 2, Journey to the Centre of My Girth....
Eating out can be tough, but you can more easily fit into the ratios if you eat the lower glycemic and fat foods as related to the glycemic index sheet available in the August newsletter. I found after week 2, I am not as tempted to eat fattening foods such as chips, breads, pasta and baked goods. Getting the proper ratios of carbs to fats and proteins helps me to feel satisfied.
Once you get started join me in blogging your progress! Watch for the August Newsletter...
Friday, August 8, 2008
Common Spices Inhibit Inflammation and Tissue Damage Which are all Products of Advanced Glycation End Products (AGE)
Heather Caruso
Caruso Homeopathic Clinic
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
The Supplement Garcina Cambogia Reduces the Waistline
Calcium Intake Reduces Stroke by 30%
Breaking News: Vitamin C Levels are Related to Healthy Blood Sugar Levels
Thursday, July 31, 2008
My book is in the house!!!!
I have a number of copies at the office or you can order online, by going to
I hope to have it in a few bookstores and many health food stores. It will also be available online at Chapter's/Indigo and Amazon in the next few weeks.
Heather Caruso
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
A Work in Progress
Blogging my diet and exercise is tedious. However, there is strength in sharing my information. For those who want to see what foods work for those who want to lose and also to show that the proper ratio and calories count. I think some may be interested in what I am supplementing with: Douglas Labs Weight Management pack, twice daily, calcium, glucobalance multi vitamin, flaxseed oil and kelp.
I am going to blog a few days of my diet so you can get the gist of how to get into the ratios. Then I will just blog my progress and challenges weekly.
Well here is my week on the 40-30-30 diet. It has gone well thus far.
Monday July 28th, 2008Today is my long day at work. I am usually in from 9am till 8pm. These are the days that I usually eat on the run. However, today I decided to get up early, prepare my breakfast, snacks and lunch. I managed to do cardio on the elliptical trainer for 30 minutes and get an hour walk in the evening.
Coffee decaf, 10% cream.
Oatmeal pancake (1/3 cup cooked large flake oats, eggwhites 100g, cinnamon) topped with 2 tsp of maple syrup. Glass of water with apple cider vinegar.
Calories: 223 Fat: 4 Carbs: 41 Protein: 14.4
Atkins advantage bar, peanut butter chocolate
Calories: 240 Fat: 12 Carbs: 23 Protein: 19
Salad Greens, tuna (water pack, 1 can), balsamic vineg and olive oil dressing, blueberries 50
Calories: 206 Fat: 1.3 Carbs: 12 Protein: 36
Peach large, feta cheese light 30 grams
Calories: 138 Fat: 5.1 Carbs: 17 Protein: 8
Ham steak 6oz, Carrots, brocolli, watermelon
Calories: 262 Fat: 9.2 Carbs: 9 Protein: 34.1
Daily totals calories: 1160 Fats: 32.8 Carbs: 123 Protein: 99.1
Tuesday July 29, 2008
Good morning my friends. I have decided that being a creature of habit, some of my calories and counts are the same. Just check the blog or day before for the proper values.
Same as July 27th
Same as July 28th
(Calories: 67 Fat: .6, Carbs: 16 Protein: 1.3), Atkins Protein advantage bar
Chicken breast, breaded, asparagus, carrots
Cup of lemon tea
Calories: 294 Fat: 13 Carbs: 9 Protein: 36
Total for the day:
Total Calories: 1071 Fat: 30.9 Carbs: 109 Protein: 110.7
Today I am dead tired. However, I am pushing onwards to a healthier me! I managed to walk my dog for 30 minutes today. I will try and do weights tomorrow morning and a bit of cardio!
July 30th, 2008
Weights, universal gym 25 minutes, Elliptical trainer 30 minutes
cottage cheese 1/3 cup, blueberries 20, maple syrup 2 tsp
Calories: 203 Fats: 2.3 Carbs: 50 Protein: 4
Protein shake (Protein + powder (brand name Genuine Health), 1/2 banana, 20 blueberries)Calories: 222.5 Fats: .8 Carbs: 27.8 Proteins: 25.5
Green salad, tuna, blueberries with balsamic and olive oil
Calories: 206 Fat: 1.3 Carbs: 12 Protein: 36
1 cup of cherries
Calories: 84 Fat: 1.1 Carbs: 19 Protein: 1
My wonderful husband is trying to be supportive and made lots of great veggies for dinner!Chicken breast, brocolli 3 pieces, cauliflower, 2 pieces, asparagus, 10, beets, 3 slices, 1/2 sweet potatoe
Calories: 472 Fat: 15.3 Carbs: 38 Fats: 41.5
Daily total: Calories: 1187.5 Fats: 20.8 Carbs: 146.8 Protein: 106.5
The long weekend of August was quite a challenge. At our trailer we have a lot of BBQ's with the neighbours and there are usually plenty of calories in alcholic drinks. I did drink some red wine, but not coolers. Red wine has only 1 carb for 4 oz. However, it is 88 calories. Better for heart health. There is no formal exercise equipment at the trailer and the lake it too shallow to swim without taking the boat out in the middle of the lake. I walked our dog every day plus I borrowed a neighbour's bike and went for an hour bike ride every morning. This was great to ride to the marina and see all of the nice cottages and boats along the way. I even felt energetic enough to race my 13 year old son home from the park one day. I must say, I am no 13 year old!
Food wise at the trailer is always tempting. I was sure we had chicken and fish at our trailer in the freezer. However, we did not and all that was there was hamburgers and sausages! I didn't manage to drive to the grocery store until Saturday morning. Eating a thick and juicy hamburger is a lot of calories and fat. I chose to eat the burger without the bun. I had to cut back in other areas to compensate for that choice. Not worth it!
Another challenge was I choose to eat a few whole grain organic tortilla chips with hummus. For me eating only 10 of those tasty chips with hummus dip was deserving of an award. That was another poor choice because I made the mistake of researching what the food counts of these foods were after the choice. What a lot of calories and carbs in 10 little chips. Oh well, live and learn! Onwards and upwards again my friends.
I am reporting my weight loss for this week: 3.5 lbs
I hope all of you are enjoying tracking and losing weight as well. Lets stick together and blog your successes along with me! There is strength in sharing. I will try and share more recipes next week.
Heather Caruso
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Journey to the Centre of My Girth!
Sunday July 27th, 2008: Day One of a healthier me! I am full of positive energy today. I am looking forward to being stronger and healthier.
Here is a record of my food intake for the day:
Warm Maple Oatmeal with cottage cheese (tastes much better than it sounds!)1/2 cup of cottage cheese, 1/3 cup cooked large flake oatmeal, 2 tsp of pure maple syrup, dash of cinnamon, mixed and eaten warm.
1 cup of decaf coffee with 3 tsp of 10% coffee cream
1 large glass of water with lemon
Subtotal Calories: 265 Fat grams: 4 Carb grams: 49 Protein: 18.4
Heather's Mediterranian Salad containing 30g of low fat feta cheese, 1/2 cup of cucumber, 1 large tomato, 1 tbsp of diced red onion, 1 tsp of garlic, black pepper, 2 tbsp of olive oil.
Calories: 372 Fat grams: 33.9 Carb grams: 9 Fat grams: 8.1
Exercise: 1 hour walk on this great day! I took the kids for a walk around Guelph lake and through the trails. It was not so strenuous except for letting my 3 year old ride on my shoulders for 1/5 of the way.
Source Lemon Yogurt, 130 grams
1 Large glass of water with lemon
Calories: 45 Fat grams: 0 Carb grams: 7 Protein: 7
Asian Sauteed mushrooms with tilapia containing per serving: 10 sliced crimini mushrooms, 1/4 cup of organic chicken broth, 1.5 fillets of tilapia, 1/8 cup of chopped green pepper, 1/2 cup of kale, 1 tbsp of tamari sauce, salt and pepper, 1/2 tsp of chopped garlic, 1 tsp of butter, served ontop of 45 grams of soba noodles (these are high carb, but I couldn't resist just having a small amount!)
1 large glass of water
Calories: 410, Fat grams: 10.1 Carb grams: 57 Protein grams: 33.3
Calories: 1092 Fat Grams: 48 Carb grams: 122 Protein grams: 66.8
My daily goal is:
Calories: 1200 Fat Grams: 40.5 Carb grams: 121.5 Protein grams: 91
4 oz. glass of cabernet sauvignon
Calories: 88 Fat grams: 0 Carb grams: 1 Protein grams: 0
Total: 1180 Fat grams: 48 Carb grams: 123 Protein grams: 66.8
I am slightly low on my protein today. It is likely because I choose to eat feta for lunch as a protein. I will aim to get in the ratios a little better tomorrow. I feel lighter today, the fluid is leaving me already! To boost the protein I could have choosen to eat an egg white omelet if my calories were not so close to the limit.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Weekends are Dieters Worst Enemy!

With all of the entertaining people do on weekends, it is no wonder the caloric intake is higher. Some healthy foods can be low fat. Have you ever had a salad that was so good in the summer?
Here is two of my recipes for supper salads, you can serve it with a wine spritzer (white wine, soda water and lemon) and it is low cal, yet still a great treat! You can add a fancy splash to your drinks, by having a sparkling wine or spritzer with diced fruit in the bottom of the glass, raspberries, strawberries, pineapple or kiwi.
Spinach Salad:
3 cups of spinach greens
Toppings: 1/4 of a vidalia onion, sliced
1/2 cup of sliced mushrooms
1/4 cup of soft goat cheese (regular or light will do) break into chunks
2 boiled eggs, sliced
1/8 cup of dried cranberries
Light Lemon and poppy seed dressing
Mixed Greens and Berries
3 cups of mixed baby greens
Toppings: 10 strawberries, sliced or 15 raspberries
1 can of water packed mandarin oranges drained
4 pieces of sliced smoked salmon
1/4 cup of goat cheese (regular or light will do) break into chunks
1/4 of a vidalia onion, sliced
1/8 cup of dried cranberries
Salad dressing- 1 part balsamic vinegar, 2 part olive oil, 1 tbsp of chopped garlic, 1/2 tsp of coarse black pepper (this can be used again and again, store in the fridge until ready to use).
You can also serve small healthy bruschetta, using whole wheat baguettes, cut into thin slices, rubbed with olive oil and garlic, and toasted in the oven. Remove them, spread on a basil and olive pesto, soft goat cheese or feta and then top it with a veggie (like a red pepper, mushroom, tomato). Bake them until the cheese is melted.
Great ready for the compliments!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Diabetes is linked to advanced breast cancer
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Grapeseed Extract Aids in Cognitive Function
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Leaky Gut and Autoimmune Disease

This leaking also may land in any organ system and cause a problem, such as the joints, kidneys, liver, food reactions and the like. There are many tests for bowel flora that can be performed to identify the particular bacteria form that may be the offender. This is a very positive step towards healing some devastating autoimmune diseases.
Low dose resveratrol gets to the heart of longevity
Sunday, June 1, 2008
The Truth About Homeopathy
Saturday, May 24, 2008
The Work of Byron Katie

Thursday, May 15, 2008
Celebration for Channeling Wisdom of Grandmother

How exciting for us to be celebrating our 2 year Anniversary of our monthly "Evenings of Channeled Wisdom with Grandmother". We will meet Friday, May 23rd at the Turf Grass Institute. WOW!
We will enjoy our regular 2-hour evening of questions and channeled answers from Grandmother; followed by a pot luck snack-feast and BBQ afterward outside! As per the December Holiday gathering precedent, I will be enjoying in the social visiting rather than answering personal questions from Grandmother after the 2-hour evening.
Another important announcement is that all proceeds from this Evening's event will be going to my nephew Colton's fundraising efforts. He is going to India on May 28th for what we intend on as being a life-saving brain surgery. He has a rare neurological condition that only has a life expectancy of 11 years. Colton just turned 10 this week. His sister died four years ago of the same condition at age 8. We have much to celebrate in his life and continued health building. For additional fundraising I will also make 2-for-1 Gift Certificates available for attendees for private appointments with Grandmother. The cost is $250. which will get you 2, 1-hour Gift Certificates. (Each appointment is valued at $250.) All Gift Certificate proceeds will also go to Colton and his upcoming trip. If you are planning on supporting this trip by purchasing a 2-for-1 Gift Certificate, please let us know and bring your cheque for $250. made payable to "Project Possibility". We can also do VISA or MasterCard donations. All donations over $20. will receive a charitable donation receipt by mail. To read more about Colton and his family, feel free to go to their website
Exciting changes for all of us. Life sure has been reaching up and biting us in our sweet little behinds lately! So let's join together to remind ourselves of how lucky we are to have the chance to be here each and every day in this journey we call life!
Hugs from Lori xo
This is the chance you have been waiting for! Understand the world in broader ways. Bring your important questions and let this wise spirit-being share her insights.
Friday May 23, 2008 (7- 9 pm) The Turfgrass Institute 328 Victoria Road South (Between College Ave. & York Road)Cost: $ 20.00
Lori Wilson, author, social worker, radio show host and internationally recognized intuitive, will be sharing an amazing 2-hour evening that demystifies everything you may have learned or heard about intuition, channeling and tapping into higher wisdom. In her 24 years of developing her extraordinary intuitive abilities, Lori and her ancient Shoshone elder spirit guide, Grandmother, have been teaching thousands to channel higher wisdom and achieve inner trust. Lori believes channeling is not a mystical gift, but rather a skill that everyone can harness for better living.
Join Lori and Grandmother for this evening of channeled ancient wisdom where Grandmother will offer a teaching and then answer audience questions of general interest and benefit to all. Throughout the evening, 5 audience names will be drawn to ask personal questions as well. Get curious and see how paying attention to what seems invisible can change your life!
Come Grow with Us & Bring Your Friends! TO REGISTER, PLEASE RSVP or CALL 519-824-6655.
For a list of questions from previous presentations, visit!
If you have already received this invitation, we regret the overlap in our two mailing lists.